Wednesday 1 February 2012

Vintage Chains Quilt

I have finished another quilt-- this one has been 3 years in the making.  It is one of those projects that often took the back burner to other things I was doing.  I decided a couple of weeks ago that it had to be done before I started another.  So here it is.  The pattern that I used is on-line so I will post a link to the site.

The quilt is made up of two types of blocks.  This is one of them-- The five patch chain.  20 of these are needed.

This is the other block- the Chain and Knot block.  30 of these are needed.

These are the triangles that are attached to each end of a row.  The rows are actually assembled diagonally, instead of the typical horizontal row.

Lexi moves in to claim the quilt.  Yes, she will probably spend many nights on this one.


  1. Beautiful!! Happy you linked to Things I've Done Thursday!

